The Collaboration between Hollywood and the Pentagon
The relationship between Hollywood and the U.S military was something
that always raised many questions. People could clearly detected that the military
is interfering in filmmaking, but no one could define how. Many critics say that
the army is providing high-tech and military equipments for Hollywood in return
for a good representation of the army in movies. It was not till the late days that
this relationship became so rude and bold that when watching a movie makes one
fells like he is watching recruiting ads.
The collaboration between Hollywood and the pentagon is something that
goes back in history. The founding of Hollywood Anti-Nazi league was said to be
done after a sign from the U.S military. The filmmakers who belonged to the
league contributed to the making of many films demeaning the Germans, such as “Confessions
of a Nazi Spy” and “The Mortal Storm.”.
the U.S military have been very supportive of wartime propaganda ,even the
president Roosevelt himself “engaged Hollywood writers, producers, animators, and directors to create
works intended to direct popular sentiments toward a government-approved
opinion of our enemies ”.especially after the finding of the bureau of motion
During the cold war Hollywood have been very active in denouncing the soviet
union policies both on the internal level and the external level. Producing
movies to the forging market to win the heart and the mind of people around the
world. Between the year 1960 and 1970 more then 20 movie was produced and
displayed in public squares in the many middle eastern cities, like Baghdad .Such
movie were not financially successful but that did pot matter since making
money was not the objective
The collaboration lasted till our present day and like (independence day , fighters ..)were produced.
The objective of such movies is to positively represent the military and make the
army or the navy interesting for the youth. The problem is that many young
fellows will buy the crape Hollywood sells them. They all think that the military
is all about having fun, shooting guns and hunting the bad guys. The problem is
that they go to the battlefield it is not like video game where you get
resurrected by a click. When the sky rains mortar shells and Ak bullets , they
will say this is not what we have signed for.
After all it seems that it is the only way to do things since no one
wants to see the dark side of the American military. I mean depicting pictures
of American soldiers with their legs or hands shopped off or in coffins. No one
wants to watch movies about Abu graib or Guantanamo simply because it is not
In the past years we used to have actors who served in the military, but
now who have soldiers who serve in the movies. In the past we had great movie
stars who served in the army, like Jimmy Stewart, Henry Fonda, Ted Knight, Kirk
Douglas, Lee Marvin, Paul Newman, Sidney Poitier, Rock Hudson, Charles Bronson,
Werner Klemperer, Audie Murphy. In the movie act of valor active-duty military
personnel have been working the production of the movies. The collaboration
between Hollywood the the U.S military seems to have moved from giving some
equipments or even military advisors into providing with active-duty soldiers.
Such act will certainly make people unable to decide whether they are watching
a movie or recruiting ads for the military. The line between the real and
imaginary will also grow vague and am afraid that some people will even get the
impression that war is all fun..
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