The story of Isaac.
Few days ago seven Israeli innocent tourists have been
killed in Bulgaria after a suicide attack on their bus. Those people have been
killed for the simple reason that they have the citizenship of a certain
country. The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Hezbollah and
Iran of committing the crime. The attack can never be seen out side the context
of Arab-Israeli conflict. The ramifications of this conflict seem have extended
to every single part of the world only with few exceptions.
Away from all this gloomy news about suicide attacks
and boomings, a small village Sixty kilometer away from the city of Agadir in
Morocco seems to make another type of news. The village is made up mainly of Berber
population, although there are some Arabs. One cannot, but notice the poverty
of the people of this town, and clearly see that they are fighting to earn
their very day living. What is interesting about this town is not the well of
its people to survive, but rather how they treat each other. The town boasts of
having few Jewish families still living there.
The news about some Jewish families living in some
small town in north Africa would have been boring, but if you consider the
experience of the Jews in the Arab world, this town would seem to you utopia.
The lives of the Jews in the Arab world can be described by everything except
being peaceful. Just few kilometers away from away from this town, the Jews in
Algeria had a different life ,just after independence their number dropped from
to 40.000 into ziro just ine few years.For some reason this town seems to be
immune from all the hatred that is hovering around in the area.
Isaac is the father of one of families living in this village.
Before I talked to him I expected that he would be telling me stories about his
fight to survive in this hostile area or the reconciliations and compromises he
makes so he can co-exist with his Muslim neighbors, but I was mistaken. Isaac s
life seems to be so normal that is boring, his life contains no stories about epic
fights for survival and running a way from massacres. He might be the last one
you would think of writing a story about. He wakes up in the morning have his
breakfast goes to work then gets back at the afternoon for lunch and so on. His
life is very ordinary, but as they say, out of the ordinary come the
Isaac is making jewelries He speaks Hebrew, Arabic,
French and Berber, so he could communicate with a lot of people, although this
town was isolated and very few tourists came to the area and so he really
didn’t get the chance to practice his French. Maybe the villages is living in
such peace because of its isolation, I mean news inciting media content. In this village there is no place for
derogatory words to refer to Jews or any cranky jokes about them. For some
unknown reason the people of this village fail to recognize that they are
different. Those people are so busy with enhancing their own lives that they
don’t have time to pay attention to their differences.
One would make the assumption that those people have takes extensive
courses in cultural diversity or some thing like that. One would think that
they have learned to be tolerant are culturally sensitive, but it is not the
case. Ironically Many of them say they
tolerance has nothing to do with their situation. “For a start we don’t have
anything to tolerate and second you have to have problem so I can have
tolerance, but we don’t have problems. I don’t know what I mean by cultural
sensitivity but I know that we don’t see each other as different so we don’t have
to be sensitive towards each other.”